Phone number: 910-245-3212
Emergency/after hours number: 910-366-9131
The Public Works Department provides services such as street maintenance, yard debris pick up and water service maintenance.
Streets - The Street Department provides the following services: street maintenance activities. Complaints or reports of potholes and drainage problems may be forwarded to Town Hall.
Sanitation - Household garbage is contracted out with GFL and is picked up on Wednesday mornings and should be placed next to the street in the container provided before 6:00 a.m. Garbage will be picked up Thursdays if any Holiday falls on Wednesday.
Yard debris - Limbs may be placed next to the street if they are no more than six feet in length and three inches in diameter. There is a one pile per pick up limit per week and the pile can be no larger than six feet long, five feet wide and three feet high.
No burying of yard debris or garbage is allowed.
Yard debris pickup is suspended from October 1 - April 1 annually to allow residents to burn.
Effective September 28, 2022 ALL loose leaves including pinecones must be bagged or in container for pickup. Loose leaves, grass clippings, pine straw and or pinecones will NOT be picked up. ALL items MUST be contained.
Trash cans are available through Town Hall for collection of yard debris items; residents should contact Town Hall to schedule a delivery of one.
Water Service - Accounts are billed the 1st of every month and are due on the 15th. "Past Due" accounts are subject to a $25.00 penalty fee and immediate disconnection of service after the 25th.
Disconnected service will require a $55 reconnect fee plus the entire past due amount before service can be reconnected.
Payment Options - www.